Budgewoi Public School

Be the best you can be

Telephone02 4390 9166



  melon        orange

Budgewoi Public School has an excellent Canteen where children can purchase their breakfast, recess and lunch at reasonable prices.

2024 Menu

Breakfast Ordering: Children line up at the Canteen between 8.35 am and 9.05 am each morning with their money and order from the breakfast menu (listed on Canteen Price List). No orders are taken after 9.05 am.

Recess Ordering: Children may line up at Recess with their money and purchase recess food or, alternatively, they may order for recess through the classroom (see lunch ordering procedures below), however, the recess order will not be delivered to the classroom. The child will need to collect their order from the Canteen at Recess.

Lunch Ordering:

1.  Children bring their orders in a paper bag (bags available for purchase from the Canteen or you may provide your own) with the order written on the front and money contained in the bag.

2.   The order is then to be placed in the lunch basket held in the classroom when the child enters the classroom first thing in the morning.

3.   The basket is then taken to the Canteen by responsible children by 9.30 am. Note: Recess order may also go in the basket. See "Recess Ordering" above.

4.    Through the Flexischools on line ordering. Flexischools

5.    Lunches will be delivered to the classroom at lunchtime.

Parents please note: Lunch MUST be ordered before school commences or with orders through the classroom as above. Parents sometimes give children money to buy their lunch and when not ordered in the morning, children sometimes tend to purchase a less healthy food item such as ice blocks or chips as their lunch.

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